Blogging 101 – The Basics of Blogging That You Must Know
Blogging 101 has to do mostly with blogging terminology.
To understand what a blog is, and to be able to communicate with anyone about blogging with any confidence, you first need to know 4 basic elements of a blog.
If you are new to blogging or if you are researching ideas for starting a blog of your very own, you’ll be completely lost without this basic terminology. So sit back and enjoy as we take you through the very basic concepts of blogging 101.
What is a Blog?
Blog is short for weblog. Simply put, a weblog is a series of online posts that appear in reverse chronological order. You will find that most blogs are in text, but there are also video blogs, photo blogs, or a combination of all of the above.
The rest of Blogging 101 has to do with more of the technical elements of a blog. To build a blog, you will need a domain, blogging platform, and a web host.
What is a Domain?
The domain is the address of your blog, and is any name that ends in .com, .net, .info, .org, etc.
What is a Blogging Platform?
A blogging platform is a computer software program that gives you the ability to write posts, and update your blog. It is the platform that allows you to pick the color, layout, look, and feel of your blog.
Lastly, What is a Web host?
A web host is essentially the virtual file cabinet where the information of your blog is stored and maintained. Every time you update your blog, your computer communicates with the web host, and updates those files.
These are the 4 basic elements that you need to know about blogging, and this concludes this course on Blogging 101. Happy Blogging everyone!
Category: Blogging Tips
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